Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting on Marie's futon.
Casey: There was a mouse. I took it...I...
Someone pounds on the door.
Panel 2: Marie opens the door and finds Nico there, panicking.
Nico: Is he okay?
Marie: Nico?
Nico: I'm serious!
Panel 3: Nico crouches next to Casey, who looks bewildered.
Casey: I can't stop remembering things, and I don't know if they're real. Why...?
Nico: Someone triggered the wrong memory. You're just going to have to ride it out.
Panel 4: Nico sits beside Casey as Marie heads for the kitchen.
Casey: Ducks! In a castle! In spain!
Nico: This may take a while.
Marie: I'll make coffee.
Alt-Text: Considering the look of sheer panic in Casey's eyes, I'm not sure coffee is going to be the best idea here.