Panel 1: Casey is lying on Marie's futon. Nico covers him with a blanket as Marie stands behind Nico.
Marie: I'm
thinking there are two possible explanations here. The logical one is
that Casey went through some kind of extreme trauma a long time ago.
Panel 2: Nico stands up.
He copes with it through the ritual of the Tim Hortons deals, which add
structure to his life. But when a deal ends, the memories come flooding
back...until the next deal begins.
Panel 3:
Every deal is a chance to start over: new life. new memories. No need
to think about the past. But this time, he didn't move on. And now
Barbara's triggered a memory that's sent him into full-blown psychosis,
false memories and all.
Panel 4: She crosses her arms.
Marie: How'm I doing?
Nico [points at his own head]: This is my high-stakes-poker face.
Alt-Text: I've got a theory...that it's a demon...a dancing demon! No, something isn't right there...