Panel 1: Casey is falling asleep on Marie's futon as Marie and Nico stand nearby.
Marie: So which is it?
Nico: I think he's going to sleep for a bit. I'll come back in the morning.
Panel 2:
Nico: Don't let him wander off on his own; he doesn't know where he is just now.
Marie: Come on, Nico. Am I right? Is it the illogical explanation?
Panel 3: He seizes her by the shoulders.
Nico: Of course it's the illogical explanation, Marie, but why on earth should that mean it's not the logical one too?
Panel 4: He walks away as Marie throws a fit behind him.
Marie: Don't you DARE Dumbledore me!
Casey: I met Dumbledore. He had sheep for friends.
Alt-Text: "To
dumbledore" should absolutely be a verb meaning "to answer a question
without really answering it, thereby opening oneself to being smacked
violently in the face, even if one is a powerful wizard or, in fact,