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Monday, April 16, 2012

West of Bathurst 1065

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If you're looking for my weekly Rant, I'll finish it tomorrow; I've started it, but Ad Astra has wiped me out.

Monday, April 16, 2012
Panel 1: Marie sits beside Casey on her futon. Casey is just waking up.

Casey: Marie? Where's this?

Panel 2: He sits up and clutches his head.

Marie: This is my apartment, Casey. Don't you remember?

Casey: I...remember everything.

Panel 3:

Casey: There's a lot of everything to remember. I can handle it! No! wasn't the vicar's fault. The Davies barbecue is tonight, and we have to to be there.

Marie's phone ring

Panel 4: Marie answers her phone.

Marie: Hi, Nico. The weirdness continues charming.

Casey: I think this blanket is somebody's daughter.

Alt-Text: That's right, Casey: rise to new heights of bizarreness. Life is more fun when that happens.

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