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Friday, April 20, 2012

West of Bathurst 1067

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Friday, April 20, 2012
Panel 1: Marie and Casey are standing in Marie's apartment.

Marie: Look, maybe we should just stay quietly at home.

Casey: No no no. I'm all right. I just...things. But otherwise!

Panel 2:

You have that reaction to Davies--

Casey: Not now. It's different now. And then there was the walrus...

Panel 3: He takes her by the shoulders.

Casey: Okay, listen. I'm handling it. I am. But my brain is still adjusting. Until it's done, there's going to be a lot of weirdness.

Panel 4: He begins to walk away.

Casey: Now let's go to Davies and see the pirates.

Marie: Well, okay, then.

Alt-Text: The pirates live under the fountains. Everybody knows that.

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