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Friday, April 27, 2012

West of Bathurst 1070

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Friday, April 27, 2012
Panel 1: At the Davies College barbecue, Casey has just shoved Baldwin into the pond. Baldwin is not at all unhappy about this. Two Junior Fellows, including the antagonistic Anthea, approach Barbara, Rahim, Casey, and Marie.

Baldwin: Ah ha ha ha...there are fish in here!

Male Junior Fellow:
Can you take the insane person away, please? We're trying to enjoy the barbecue.

Panel 2:

Yeah...he acts crazy every time he comes here.

Let's go, Mull--

Marie: No. Wait.

Panel 3:

Marie: Who the hell are you to judge him like that? He's been going through some stuff. Now that means he's not allowed out in public? Are only perfectly stable people welcome at barbecues? Then everyone here should go home!

Panel 4: Baldwin has climbed out of the pond. He is holding a large fish.

Baldwin: I couldn't have put it better myself.

Barbara: Let's get two more of those and then juggle them.

Alt-Text: No imaginary fish were harmed in the making of this comic.

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