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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

West of Bathurst 1076

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Panel 1: Rahim, in his own apartment, is talking to Marie on the phone.

Rahim: Is he still incoherent?

Marie [on the phone]: Not really.

Panel 2: In Marie's apartment, Casey, smirking, reaches for the phone Marie is using.

Rahim [on the phone]: But something's not right, is it?

Marie: There may have been a slight personality change.

Panel 3: Casey takes the phone and speaks into it.

Casey: You don't need to worry about that. It's hardly even noticeable. Have you been reading any good books lately?

Panel 4: Back to Rahim.

Rahim: I take it this is your over-the-phone version of the whole "shiny object" thing.

Casey [on the phone]: I'd rather like to read a shiny book.

Alt-Text: Just as long as the books don't sparkle and/or contain vampires that do, I'm good.

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