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Monday, May 14, 2012 |
Panel 1: Barbara is sitting on a couch in the Davies College common room, her laptop open in front of her. Marie approaches. Barbara [to the laptop]: Curse you. Marie: Is your computer plotting your downfall again? Panel 2: Marie sits down. Barbara: Sort of. I'm teaching an online course, and it operates via this program called Whiteboard. Panel 3: Barbara: Bits of it run only in Firefox. Bits of it run only in Chrome. Bits of it run only in Explorer, though they also tend to crash it. Panel 4: Barbara: Did I ever say Casey was Satan? This is Satan. Marie: It was certainly designed by him. Alt-Text: There is, as far as I know, no infernal program called "Whiteboard," but there IS one with a suspiciously similar name that may or may not have influenced this strip. Go to commentary |