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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

West of Bathurst 1080

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Panel 1: Barbara and Marie are sitting on a couch in the Davies College common room, looking at Barbara's laptop.

Barbara: This is Whiteboard's chat function. I'm holding a class chat right now.

The computer goes "Creeeak."

Marie: What's that noise?

Panel 2:

Barbara: Every time someone enters the chat room, you get the sound of a door opening. When someone leaves, the door slams shut.

The computer goes "Bam" and then "Creeeak" again.

Panel 3: The computer lets out a prolonged volley of "creeeaks" and "bams."

Panel 4: The computer releases one more "bam."

Barbara: Did I mention that the chat had a habit of kicking users out every ten seconds or so?

Marie: You didn't really have to.

Alt-Text: I was using, *ahem*, "Whiteboard" tonight, and it did, as usual, keep kicking students out of the chat. It also made those...noise thingies...a lot. I don't even HAVE to make this stuff up.

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