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Friday, May 18, 2012

West of Bathurst 1081

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Friday, May 18, 2012
Panel 1: Barbara and Marie are sitting on a couch in the Davies College common room, looking at Barbara's laptop.

Barbara: This student can't see her discussion responses because she's using Explorer.

Panel 2:

Barbara: So she's posted them three times and sent me two frantic e-mails.

Panel 3:

Barbara: There's no reason for the posts to disappear. They just do. I probably spend about two hours a week dealing with this.

Panel 4:

Barbara: If Whiteboard were actually a demon, cutting off its head might help.

Marie: It's admittedly difficult to decapitate a computer program.

Alt-Text: They HAD to make it difficult to decapitate a computer program. If they hadn't, EVERYONE would do it.

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