Happy May 25th, which is: 1) Towel Day. 2) Star Wars' birthday. 3) The Glorious 25th. Collectively, today is known as Geek Pride Day. I am not making this up. |
Friday, May 25, 2012 |
Panel 1: Barbara and Marie are sitting at a little table. Barbara is on her laptop. Barbara: Oh, there it goes: Whiteboard is up again. Panel 2: Barbara: And here... Panel 3: Barbara: ...are the fifteen "I can't figure out the new Whiteboard" messages my students have sent me in the course of the last twenty-seven seconds. Panel 4: Marie: So these are the same people who will wait for two weeks after the grade-submission deadline to ask for extensions on their term papers? Barbara: Yep. Alt-Text: In actual fact, I received no such messages. I *am* still getting queries about the course outline, however. We're three weeks in. Go to commentary |