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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

West of Bathurst 1097

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Now with TODAY'S ACTUAL COMIC instead of Monday's! I do not know why I forgot to change the comic!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Panel 1: Rahim is sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook, working on his computer. Casey approaches.

Panel 2: Casey sits down just as Rahim's phone begins to ring.

Rahim: What are you doing here? You never hang out here any more.

Casey: I'm trusting that's what they think too.

Panel 3: Rahim pulls out his phone.

Rahim: Marie and Barbara?

Casey: The worst bit is that they're approaching the investigation so randomly that I'm actually afraid they'll succeed.

Panel 4: Rahim points at the phone.

Rahim: It's them. They're sprinkling salt in all your clothes.

Casey: See? How would they know to do that?

Alt-Text: They are using Mulligan logic. It's like normal logic, except without the logical bits.

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