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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

West of Bathurst 1104

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Sorry...for some reason, I completely forgot to put up the comic last night. I think I may have been rather tired.

I'm up to 11,254 words written for the Write-a-Thon; I'm thus over a third of the way to my writing goal. Anyone willing to contribute to an attempt to force me to draw more comics? There are fabulous, fabulous prizes! Well...there are prizes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Panel 1: Marie and Barbara are sitting on a little wall, looking at Marie's thesis chapter. Casey approaches.

Casey: Is that your thesis chapter?

Marie: Yep.

Panel 2: He looks through the chapter.

Casey: Hmm...

Panel 3: He hands the chapter back to Marie.

Casey: Note sixteen cites Murphy 2009 and Jorgenson 1996, but it should really be Murphy 2008 and Davidson and Clark 1997.

Panel 4:

Marie: Because you've memorised the entire library?

Casey [walk away]: Haven't you?

Alt-Text: If there were a fifth panel, someone would undoubtedly mention Satan.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014