I'm up to 20,344
words written for the Write-a-Thon, meaning that I'm two-thirds
of the way to my goalof 30,000. Please consider
contributing; if you do, you may force me to draw more comics, and
you could win stuff. (If you contribute and wish to enter the
weekly draw and the draw at the end of the Write-a-Thon, do be sure
to contact me at kmaaren(at)gmail(dot)com and tell me so;
otherwise, your name will not go into the hat.) You know, sometimes I think halfyou guys really want that $6.66 in there, while the other half really want it gone. The two halves are engaged in an epic battle that will inevtably end only when every participant lies dead on the ground. It's sort of a charitable-contributions take on the final battle of the Arthurian legend, or possibly a replication of the whole of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. |
Wednesday, July 11, 2012 |
Panel 1: It's July eighteenth. Marie is huddled in her bed. Casey sits beside her, an arm around her. Casey: It's okay. Take as long as you need; I'll be here. Panel 2: Evil Marie is standing beside the bed. Evil Marie: When are you going to stick her in the loony bin this time? Casey: What? I'm not. Panel 3: Evil Marie: Sure, you say that now. What if she goes catagtonic again? What if she thinks she's off wandering through a forest that exists only inside her head? Panel 4: Casey: She's been like this for maybe five minutes. Evil Marie [makes the Girl Guide salute]: Be prepared, yo, Alt-Text: Apparently, Evil Marie used to be a Girl Guide. Go to commentary |