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Monday, July 16, 2012

West of Bathurst 1110

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I'm up to 30,002 words written for the Write-a-Thon, meaning that I've reached my goal. I'm therefore holding another trivia contest, with the prize being the same as before: a startlingly enormous magnet with a comic about Barbara's hatred for Twilight on it. The contest is open to anyone who hasn't won an enormous magnet before (sorry, Tobias; however, if you do figure it out before everybody else, you have the right to smile knowingly and leave enigmatic comments). The trivia question is:

On what date did Bleachy first appear in the comic?

Please post answers in the "Comments" section. The first correct answer earns the magnet.

Nobilis has sniffed out the correct date. Please click on "Comment" above to see the answer. Congratulations, nobilis!

However, contributions to the Write-a-Thon have effectively dried up (it may not be immediately evident, as I've added the $90 pledge, which I've now earned in full, to the donation-meter; however, there hasn't been a donation for six days or so). Please consider contributing; if you do, you may force me to draw more comics, and you could win stuff. (If you contribute and wish to enter the weekly draw and the draw at the end of the Write-a-Thon, do be sure to contact me at kmaaren(at)gmail(dot)com and tell me so; otherwise, your name will not go into the hat.)

This week, we had five entrants to thescore-a-WoB-coaster sweepstakes. In a spirit of experimentation, I used an online random number generator to pick the winner: Lady Antonia Jessup, Scourge of the Underworld. Congratulations, Lady Antonia! Please contact me at your convenience, your ladyship, with your mailing address and your preference of coasters.

Monday, July 16, 2012
Panel 1: Casey is on Marie's bed, his arms around Marie, who is having an episode and is unresponsive. Evil Marie, also on the bed, continues to poke Marie.

Casey: She's going to remember this.

Evil Marie: Nah...completely zoned out.

Panel 2:

Casey: I would've thought you'd be more sympathetic.

Evil Marie: What can I say? I've got no patience with this.

Panel 3:

Evil Marie: It happened. It was ages ago. You'd think the shrinks would've helped, if nothing else, but no. Just get over it already!

Casey: I don't think it works that way.

Panel 4:

Evil Marie: You couldn't remember who you were until someone waved a dead mouse in your face.

Casey: Touché.

Alt-Text: Evil Marie doesn't do empathy. She claims it's the moral equivalent of empty calories.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014