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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

West of Bathurst 1111

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I'm up to 32,002 words written for the Write-a-Thon (yes, that's exactly 2,000 more than my previous count), meaning that I've reached my goal. Please think about continuing to contribute; Clarion would really like to achieve its goal.

The winner of Monday's trivia contest was nobilis, who will be receiving an improbably large magnet with a comic on it. Nobilis correctly identified Bleachy's debut in West of Bathurst as having occurred on Monday, May 28th, 2007.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Panel 1: On Marie's bed, Casey has an arm around Marie, who is having an episode and thus unresponsive. Evil Marie kneels next to Marie.

Casey: I'm curious. Don't you ever get sad?

Evil Marie: Nope.

Panel 2:

Casey: Never?

Evil Marie: That's her job. Mine's more fun.

Panel 3: Evil Marie leans back, her hands behind her head.

Casey: And your job is...?

Evil Marie: To kick back, relax, and go "Nyah nyah nyah" at the world.

Panel 4:

Evil Marie: Also to really enjoy raspberries, for some reason.

Casey: I like them in doughnuts.

Alt-Text: Probably with maple icing.

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