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Friday, July 20, 2012

West of Bathurst 1112

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I'm up to 34,017 words written for the Write-a-Thon, meaning that I've reached my goal. Please think about continuing to contribute; Clarion would really like to achieve its goal. Also, the penguins will appreciate it. The penguins appreciate everything. If you click on my word count, it will take you to a page that will ask you for money. It will also tell you my word count again. Yes, I am continuing to write (why not?).

Friday, July 20, 2012
Panel 1: Casey is on Marie's bed with his arm around her when she comes out of her trance.

Casey: Hi there.

Marie: ...Casey.

Panel 2:

Marie: I thought it wouldn't happen this year.

Casey: It doesn't matter.

Panel 3: Marie cries for a bit.

Panel 4:  

Marie: I guess it's positive that I'm not in an institution.

Casey: Always look on the bright side.

Alt-Text: ...of life. (Doo doo...dum doo dee doo dee doo!)

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