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Monday, August 13, 2012

West of Bathurst 1124

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Check back tomorrow for an extra panel celebrating Donna Vakalis's appearance in the Modern Pentathlon event at the Olympics.

Monday, August 13, 2012
Panel 1: Marie and Nico sit on a little concrete ledge in front of a stone wall.

Marie: Casey has an I.D. card that says he was born in 1987.

Nico: Does he?

Panel 2:

That would have made him nineteen when I met him and sixteen when Ursula did.

Nico: That's good to know.

Panel 3:

Marie: It's clearly wrong.

Nico: There are different values of "wrong."

Panel 4:

Marie: I'm talking about the one that's the opposite of "right."

Nico: I was afraid you might be.

Alt-Text: Can you imagine Casey at sixteen? No, you CAN'T. That's the idea.

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