The 2-Minute
Thesis Competition is closed. I believe I got 86 votes.
Hurrah! The Clarion numbers are in as well. In the end, we raised $939.22 (one of the pledgers upped her contribution a bit at the last minute), which put Team WoB in third place, just like last year. Hurrah! Clarion raised $24,651.50, and a supporter will be matching that, making the total raised nearly $50,000. Our work here is done. Incidentally, I haven't ordered the prizes yet; I've been labouring mightily at my marking. Grades are due tomorrow. Let's just say I'm not exactly ready to submit them yet. Soon, there will be tears. |
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 |
Panel 1: Marie stands in front of her apartment's door, blocking Casey from leaving. Marie: You're going to meet with Basil, aren't you? Casey: Basil who? Panel 2: Marie: You need to realise I can just follow you to Tim Hortons. Casey: Can you? Panel 3: Marie: Stop that. Casey: I don't think I can. Panel 4: Marie shoves Casey out the door. Casey: Tim Hortons? Is that a place or a person? Why would you follow me to a person? Strange things are happening! Marie: Let's just go. Alt-Text: Even when it makes absolutely no sense to do so, Casey finds himself driven to obfuscate. Go to commentary |