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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

West of Bathurst 1129

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The 2-Minute Thesis Competition is closed. I believe I got 86 votes. Hurrah!

The Clarion numbers are in as well. In the end, we raised $939.22 (one of the pledgers upped her contribution a bit at the last minute), which put Team WoB in third place, just like last year. Hurrah! Clarion raised $24,651.50, and a supporter will be matching that, making the total raised nearly $50,000. Our work here is done.

Incidentally, I haven't ordered the prizes yet; I've been labouring mightily at my marking. Grades are due tomorrow. Let's just say I'm not exactly ready to submit them yet. Soon, there will be tears.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Panel 1: Marie stands in front of her apartment's door, blocking Casey from leaving.

Marie: You're going to meet with Basil, aren't you?

Casey: Basil who?

Panel 2:

Marie: You need to realise I can just follow you to Tim Hortons.

Casey: Can you?

Panel 3: 

Marie: Stop that.

Casey: I don't think I can.

Panel 4: Marie shoves Casey out the door.

Casey: Tim Hortons? Is that a place or a person? Why would you follow me to a person? Strange things are happening!

Marie: Let's just go.

Alt-Text: Even when it makes absolutely no sense to do so, Casey finds himself driven to obfuscate.

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