Panel 1: Casey and Marie are sitting at a table in Tim Hortons.
Casey: I'm not sure why you insisted on coming with me. Nothing's going to happen.
Marie: Uh-huh.
Panel 2: Basil, who has a substantial beard and a ponytail, walks up to the table. He is wearing the green jacket.
Marie: Hi, Basil.
Basil: Hey. Well, he looks different.
Panel 3: Basil sits down.
Marie: He cleans up nice.
Basil: Has he told you for sure whether or not he's Satan?
Panel 4:
Casey [off in his own little world]: Nothing at all.
Marie: Not in so many words...
Alt-Text: Casey
has a strange relationship with words. He says a lot of them, but they
don't necessarily tell you anything. It's downright astounding that he
hasn't gone into politics yet.