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Monday, September 3, 2012

West of Bathurst 1135

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Welcome to Year Seven of West of Bathurst (technically, Year Seven started in July, but I always consider the through-the-gates comic to be the year's first). I've also added this comic to the Through the Gates page, which collects all the comics involving characters walking through the gates at the beginning of the fall term. It also provides links to the Orientation Week plots that follow.

Monday, September 3, 2012
Panel 1: A young white woman with short hair walks through the Davies College gates, carrying several bags.

Panel 2: She picks up a key from the porter.

Panel 3: As she walks away from the porter's lodge, Baldwin passes her, grinning evilly and speaking in a creepy voice.

Baldwin: I think you'll like it here. Too bad you'll never...ever...leave.

Panel 4: Marie approaches as the young woman speaks into her phone.

Marie: Try not to worry about Baldwin; he's taking his new alum status kind of hard.

Woman: Hi, Mom? I need to abandon this experiment and come home immediately.

Alt-Text: The Five Stages of Alumni Status are quite similar to the Five Stages of Grief. Baldwin's probably going through Anger at the moment.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014