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Monday, September 10, 2012

West of Bathurst 1138

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Friday, September 7, 2012
Panel 1: In the Davies College quadrangle, Baldwin and Casey are standing next to each other. Casey is holding a peanut.

Baldwin: It's just not fair, you know? Fellowships should last longer than five years.

Casey: I found a peanut on the street.

Panel 2:

Baldwin: I've been cut adrift, cast out into a cold, uncaring world.

Casey: It could be a perfectly good peanut. There's no way of knowing.

Panel 3:

Baldwin: Who knew the life of a Junior Fellow was like to the sparrow's flight through the mead hall?

Casey: If I crack it open, will I destroy its mystery? What to do?

Panel 4: Marie and Clarissa have been watching all this.

Clarissa: So this is what you call a "conversation" here.

Baldwin sobs dramatically.

Casey: I am baffled by the indeterminacy of this peanut.

Alt-Text: Much less cruel than that whole thing with the cat.

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