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Saturday, September 29, 2012

West of Bathurst 1148

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I never do manage to get my Who-related comics up on time. Clearly, timey-wimey stuff is happening.

Saturday, September 29, 2012
Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Casey and Marie are in Marie's apartment. Casey holds a DVD out towards Marie, who recoils in horror.

Casey: West of Bathurst?

Marie: Kari Maaren?

Panel 2: Casey and Marie are on Marie's futon. Marie is reading the newspaper. Casey is holding a DVD.

Casey: Movie later?

Marie [angrily]: No.

Panel 3:


Marie: Tonight, we turn off all the phones. No one goes in or out. It's non-negotiable.

Panel 4:


Marie: No arguments! No protests! That's the way it's got to be!

Panel 5: Casey ponders for a moment.

Panel 6: He makes an "I've got it!" face.

Panel 7:

Casey: The fall finale of Doctor Who is on tonight!

Marie: Well, duh. What hole have you been living in?

Alt-Text: Fandom is obvious to fans; outsiders tend to be a bit more puzzled by it.

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