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Friday, October 19, 2012

West of Bathurst 1158

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Friday, October 19, 2012
Panel 1: Marie, Casey, Rahim, and Barbara are in Marie's apartment. Marie is dressed as a noir detective and Casey as Captain Hammer from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Barbara and Rahim are in street clothes.

Marie: Seriously? You guys are going back to having no Hallowe'en costumes?

Barbara: Of course not.

Panel 2:

Rahim: I'm a knock-knock joke.

Barbara: I'm also a knock-knock joke.

Panel 3: Marie and Casey exchange glances.

Panel 4:

Who's there?

Barbara: Oh, we can't answer ourselves.

Rahim: How absurd would that

Alt-Text: Passive-aggressive knock-knock jokes have always been a nightmare of mine.

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