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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

West of Bathurst 1164

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Hurrah: Wednesday comic! If you missed the Monday one, which turned up on Tuesday morning, please click on "Previous."

Happy Hallowe'en, all. In celebration of the date, here's another of my songs. There are ghosts in it, so it's thematically appropriate. Incidentally, I'm in the process of making an album, though not with the recordings I have online at the moment; I've made fresh recordings at a little apartment studio and am currently waiting for the sound technician to finish the first round of editing.

One more thing: my friend Errol and a bunch of his friends have written and produced a six-part series entitled NaNoWriMo: The Musical (or possibly NaNoMusical; it's hard to tell). Part 1 was released today. In Part 2, which will be out next Wednesday, I provide a ukulele track for one of the songs. The subject of the musical is, naturally, NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, an which a bunch of people pledge to write novels in November. I have never done it because November is, for me, NaPaMaMo, or National Paper Marking Month. However, I have another friend who's taken part. I'm sure it's a lot of fun. The first part of the musical can be found here.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Panel 1: Casey, still dressed in a black robe, is sitting on Marie's bed. Marie approaches him, her hands on her hips.

Marie: Planning to explain?

Casey: Planning to explain what?

Panel 2:

Marie: Uh...

Casey [glances over his shoulder]: Hang on; something's just come to my attention.

Panel 3:

[to nobody]: I told you, not yet. These things take time. If we all go rushing in, people are going to end up burning in a lake of fire again.

Panel 4: Marie and Rahim are sitting on Marie's futon.

Marie: Now he's saying scary things to invisible people.

Rahim: Isn't that usually your gig?

Alt-Text: Soon EVERYBODY is going to have an invisible friend.

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