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Friday, November 16, 2012

West of Bathurst 1172

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Okay, so I didn't catch up by the weekend; I'm still one comic behind. I don't know when I'll catch up, as this week will be hellish where marking is concerned. We shall just have to see.

Incidentally, I have been mentioned in a Debs and Errol comic again here.

Friday, November 16, 2012
Panel 1: Rahim is looking at the bulletin board in the Davies College foyer when Anthea approaches him.

Anthea: You're friends with that guy.

Rahim: "That guy"?

Panel 2:

Anthea: The crazy guy. The one who wears green all the time.

Rahim: Ah.

Panel 3:

Well, in actual fact, I can't stand him.

Panel 4:

But for the purposes of this conversation, if you continue to persecute him, I'll make a lampshade out of your skin.

Anthea: You have an interesting definition of "friendship."

Alt-Text: Rahim is excessively puzzled by his own inexplicable loyalty. He's probably going to go home and think about it for a bit.

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