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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

West of Bathurst 1174

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Well, it's technically still Wednesday, and here is Wednesday's comic. Maybe I'll eventually catch up after all (only to fall immediately behind this weekend because of the colour comic).

Some crowdfunding Stuff of Interest:

1) That NaNoWriMo musical for which I played the ukulele is making an album. Support the campaign here.

2) Ryan North, creator of Dinosaur Comics, is producing, er, a choose-your-own-adventure book about Hamlet. Support the insanity here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Panel 1: Rahim is reading a book in the Davies College basement nook. Anthea looms over him, glowering.

Panel 2:

Rahim: Right...that's enough. Go away.

Anthea: No.

Panel 3:

Are you hoping to freak me out so that I stop coming here? What do you have against me?

Anthea: None of you should come here.

Panel 4: Barbara pops up out of nowhere.

Barbara: We're polluting these hallowed halls with our terrible alumni cooties!

That's about it, yeah.

Alt-Text: Alumni cooties are real. Their cause remains a mystery to science.

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Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014