The Debs & Errol crossover continues today, with this comic being the third in the series. |
Friday, November 30, 2012 |
Panel 1: Marie and Barbara are talking to Debs and Errol in the park. Marie: We're just here to meet-- Errol: Us too! Our friend Manda will be here soon. She looks sad a lot. Panel 2: Marie: Our friend Casey-- Errol: I tell her why she's sad, and then she tries to hit me. People do that. Panel 3: Debs: My Neighbour Totoro is a terrible film. Panel 4: Errol stares straight ahead. Debs: He'll be paralysed with horror for at least three minutes. Barbara: What'll we do with all that silence? Alt-Text: My experience with Errol tells me that this would be the absolute worst thing you could ever say to him. Go to commentary |