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Monday, December 17, 2012

West of Bathurst 1187
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  • Monday, December 17, 2012
    Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie are lost somewhere in Toronto at night. They walk past a lit-up cafe called "Sticks."

    Marie: This cafe...I remember something.

    Panel 2: They enter the cafe. A barista, whose name tag reads "Sharon," approaches them.

    Marie: We were here. Me and Casey and...and...

    Sharon: Oh, good, you came back. I was about to close up.

    Panel 3: Sharon pulls out a cell phone.

    Sharon: The cute one left this one the counter. It keeps ringing, but when I answer, there's nobody there.

    Panel 4: Marie holds the phone, which begins to ring.

    Marie: This is going to turn into a scavenger hunt, isn't it?

    Sharon: That's what the chubby one said, but much more disapprovingly.


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