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Friday, December 21, 2012

West of Bathurst 1189
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  • I'll be travelling all day today, so I'm not sure when the Saturday comic will be posted; it may not be until Sunday. I won't have much of a chance to colour stuff today.

    It is possible, depending on circumstances, that we may have a WoB Extravaganza coming up. If I can't get my hands on a scanner next week, there may be a slight interruption in updates. We shall see.

    Friday, December 21, 2012
    Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie walk down a dark street together.

    Evil Marie: Just call Rahim; he'll get you home.

    Marie: No.

    Panel 2: She holds up Casey's phone.

    Marie: I've found us on the map; we're out in the boonies, but we're nor far from Leethy and Acorn. I think we're supposed to go there.

    Panel 3:

    Evil Marie:

    Marie: No idea. Casey gets into trouble, and I get him out of it. It's what I do.

    Panel 4:

    Marie: And then, once I've rescued him, I can throttle him in peace.

    Evil Marie: Fair enough.

    Alt-Text: It's always nice to have a quiet space for violent strangulation.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014