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Monday, December 24, 2012

West of Bathurst 1191
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  • Okay, guys...I'm sure this is a pretty stupid decision on my part, but whatever. Today begins the Fourth Great WoB Extravaganza. Between now and January 6th, a comic will be posted every day instead of every two days. It is quite possible that there will be some lateness, especially with the whole Christmas thing and all, but ah well. Merry Christmas, Happy Winter Festival, and/or whatever seasonal greeting you prefer.

    Monday, December 24, 2012
    Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie have arrived at a street corner in the middle of the night.

    Evil Marie: Oh, hey: Leethy and Acorn is yet another deserted street corner. Hurrah!

    Marie: Wait.

    Panel 2:

    Marie: I...remember this too. This is where we ran into Nico. He...he said...

    Panel 3:


    Evil Marie: Dude, check this out: there's an envelope at the base of the pole.

    Panel 4: Marie opens the envelope.

    Marie: Fifty cents. Hot damn: we're eating tonight.

    Evil Marie [with deep sarcasm]: Let's get some gum!

    Alt-Text: The plot weirdens.

    Go to commentary

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014