Panel 1: In the middle of the night, Marie and Evil Marie are following a trail of tiny tentacles along the sidewalk.
Evil Marie: This is insane.
Marie: Tell me about it.
Panel 2:
Evil Marie: Have you considered that you may have had another psychotic break?
Marie: Sure.
Panel 3:
Marie: But it's not the most likely solution. Where Casey's concerned, I'm not sure you can eliminate the impossible.
Panel 4: They are standing outside a door labelled "Tartarus Taxidermy." The window of the shop is lit up.
Marie: The trail of sushi seems to end at the door to this taxidermist's shop.
Evil Marie: In the history of the world, no one has ever uttered that sentence before.
Alt-Text: There's a taxidermist's shop on my street. It has always rather fascinated me, though it has horrified me at the same time.