Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie stands in a
room with green walls and talks to a middle-aged woman with curly black
hair. The title, in red block letters, reads: "West of Bathurst by Kari
Woman: I've got coffee, vodka, and pomegranate juice.
Marie: thanks.
Panel 2: In the mysterious taxidermy shop, Tartarus Taxidermy, Marie sits at a table with the woman.
Marie: What were we doing here?
Woman: Oh, you know.
Panel 3:
Marie: No, I don't; I've forgotten everything.
Woman: Well, that's just not true.
Panel 4:
Marie: Just not...!
Woman: If you've made it back here alone, the others may be in trouble. I wish you would say.
Panel 5: The woman gets up and hands Marie a white plastic bag filled with things.
Woman: Anyway, here's some stuff to help you out. As you know, it'll all come in useful eventually.
Panel 6: Marie, now standing, pulls what looks like an old-fashioned spindle out of the bag. The woman herds her towards the door.
Marie: Is this a drop spind--
Woman: It was nice to meet you, but you're leaving now. Don't look back!
Panel 7: Marie and Evil Marie stand outside the closed door of Tartarus Taxidermy.
Marie: Why is no one sane at Christmas?
Evil Marie: You expect far too much of this holiday.
Alt-Text: I
think it would be kind of neat to meet a mysterious taxidermist and
listen to her spout incomprehensible nonsense in the wee hours of
Christmas morning.