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Thursday, January 3, 2013

West of Bathurst 1201
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  • Thursday, January 3, 2013
    Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie are in a bus with three mysterious woman. Marie has just handed them a number of spinning implements (a spindle, a carding comb, a ruler, a pair of scissors). Marie is also holding the hair-like substance she has found in her plastic bag.

    Young Woman: Cool, but we haven't got anything to work with.

    Marie [hands her the hair]: There's this.

    Panel 2:

    Young Woman: Tricky.

    Middle-Aged Woman: But doable.

    Old Woman: If that's what's going on, you'll want to get off at Horn Street.

    Panel 3:

    Young Woman: No, Ivory.

    Old Woman: Horn.

    Young Woman: Ivory!

    Old Woman: Horn, dear.

    Panel 4: They pull out their phones.

    Young Woman: Google says Ivory!

    Old Woman: Yahoo says Horn!

    Evil Marie: It all seems less mystical when they bring out the smartphones.

    Alt-Text: I'm pretty sure there are whole genres of science fiction in which advanced technology has mystical properties.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014