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Monday, January 7, 2013

West of Bathurst 1205
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  • I must just say that I had a heck of a good time turning Toronto into the Underworld. Now, however, we must return to the light of common day.

    The holiday banner has been retired to the Miscellaneous page.

    I've now uploaded a total of seven videos, so check them out here.

    Monday, January 7, 2013
    Panel 1: Rahim walks along a Davies College corridor.

    Panel 2: At an intersection, he runs into Marie, who is carrying a cross-body bag.

    Panel 3: Rahim glares at Marie, who gets an "Oh crap" look on her face.

    Panel 4: Marie pulls a giant sheaf of paper out of her bag.

    Marie [all in a rush, running the words together]: Here's the final draft of my Ph.D. thesis look!

    Rahim [sarcastically]: Ooh...shiny object.

    Alt-Text: ButIreallyneedtodeflectyourattentionlookatthislook!

    Go to commentary

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014