Panel 1: In
the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Marie, who is
holding a copy of her thesis, cringes as she passes two signs. One
reads "West of Bathurst starts right here," with an arrow pointing
down. The other reads "Actual adulthood is over there somewhere," with
an arrow pointing to the right.
Panel 2: Rahim, Barbara, and Marie are sitting on Marie's futon.
Rahim: Your supervisor's okay with your thesis?
Marie: I think so.
Panel 3:
Rahim: You've made good time.
Marie: I know. But...
Panel 4:
Barbara: Don't worry; it's perfectly normal.
Marie: What is?
Panel 5:
Barbara: The nagging feeling that you can't really be this close to finishing.
Panel 6:
That's actually the logic centre of your brain screaming at you in
completely justified panic because it knows you're about to be thrust,
jobless, into the cruelty of the real world.
Panel 7:
Marie: Wow...that didn't help at all.
Barbara: Should it have?
Alt-Text: The
way Barbara tends to go right to the heart of any issue, then stick a
large knife in it and twist, always makes me feel just a little sad.