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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

West of Bathurst 1213
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  • Wednesday, January 23, 2013
    Panel 1: Marie and Casey are sitting at Marie's dining-room table. Casey massages his forehead.

    Marie: I may be able to help you if you explain what the problem is.

    Casey: No, no.

    Panel 2:

    How can you know if you don't--

    Casey: I can know from experience. I've got lots of that.

    Panel 3: He grasps her by the shoulders.

    Casey: That's the problem. Don't you see? There's just so much, and I remember it all. I can't get away from it.

    Panel 4:

    Would you like to borrow my amnesia?

    Casey: Yes, please.

    Alt-Text: If amnesia were transferable, what a convenient excuse that would make...

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