Valentine's Day Header: In
this special header, Casey and Marie are sitting on a couch. Both of
them are speaking, but inside their speech bubbles are images instead
of words. In Casey's bubble is an image of him kissing Marie. The Casey
in the bubble is thinking, "West of Bathurst." In Marie's bubble is an
image of Marie on her knees, screaming, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO." The Marie in
the bubble is thinking, "By Kari Maaren."
Panel 1: Marie, in her pyjamas, walks sleepily across her apartment.
Panel 2: She finds a note on her dining-room table.
Panel 3:
Marie [reads]: "Gone to see the murder."
Panel 4: Evil Marie is standing next to her.
Marie: This can't end well.
Evil Marie: I sounds like fun.
Alt-Text: *Tsk*...Marie, your pyjama top is clashing with your pyjama bottoms. Shocking.