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Friday, March 1, 2013

West of Bathurst 1231
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  • Friday, March 1, 2013
    Panel 1: Rahim, Barbara, and Marie are sitting in a restaurant booth.

    Rahim: We've got to do something about Casey.

    Marie [massages her forehead]: I know. I know...

    Panel 2:

    ...but I'm defending next week! I sort of have to concentrate on that right now. I know it's selfish--

    Barbara: Nonsense.

    Panel 3: Barbara whips her Sherlock Holmes outfit out from...somewhere...and puts it on.

    Barbara: Leave it to us. Inspector Lestrade and I will soon sort the confounded fellow out.

    Panel 4:

    Well, it's about time you gave me a role in your Holmesiverse.

    Barbara: Less talking...more deducing.

    Alt-Text: I'm still waiting for Mrs. Hudson to turn up.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014