Panel 1: The title panel in this Sunday-style colour comic is done in black and white, in the style of The Twilight Zone.
The white title, "West of Bathurst," is floating in blackness, along
with three images: Marie looking out through a half-open door, Casey
peering through a window, and a bust of Elvis.
Panel 2: In
the Davies College basement, Marie and Frankie stare as a pencil
Frankie is holding catches on fire. Casey pokes his head into the panel.
Panel 3: In
Marie's apartment, Marie watches Barbara, who is sitting on Marie's
futon. Barbara is dressed as Sherlock Holmes and playing the banjolele.
Panel 4: In Marie's apartment, Casey, wearing a cape, walks past Marie.
Panel 5: In the Davies basement, Rahim talks to Marie as Evil Marie, grinning, peeks out from behind her.
Panel 6: In
Marie's apartment, Casey, still caped, has joined Barbara on the couch.
As she plays the banjolele, he plays the fiddle. Evil Marie accompanies
them on the tambourine. Marie watches, baffled.
Panel 7: Marie and Evil Marie stand somewhere in Marie's apartment.
Marie: Exactly when did I wander into the Twilight Zone?
Evil Marie: We're out of imaginary cheese pretzels.
Alt-Text: ...THE SCARY DOOR...