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Friday, March 15, 2013

West of Bathurst 1238
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  • On Wednesday, I had fiction for you; today, I have music. Here are my three most recent songs:

    "Being Watson": some thoughts on the Holmes material from Dr. Watson's perspective.

    "Everybody Hates Elves": a meditation (complete with kazoo solo) on why elves are just so darn annoying.

    "The Birthday Horror Song": I was asked to write a birthday song for something like five people, most of them horror writers. I did.

    Friday, March 15, 2013
    Panel 1: Marie is in her Ph.D. defence.

    Examiner [off panel]: Tell us about your reliance on Johnson's theories.

    Marie: Well...

    Panel 2:

    ...that may relate to the peculiar condensation of the rubric's speculative elision.

    Panel 3: There is a pause.

    Panel 4:

    Examiner: Interesting.

    Marie [thinks]: It's good to know I don't need my actual brain for this.

    Alt-Text: The widely held belief that one needs one's brain for one's Ph.D. defence is, of course, a blatant misconception.

    Go to commentary

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014