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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

West of Bathurst 1247
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  • Yes, it's true: yesterday's comic (which is now available via the Archive page and the Miscellaneous page) was a joke. I apologise to anyone who took it seriously. What I have learned from that little experiment is that people are actually quite pleased by the idea of Marie having further adventures in alternate realities. I'm not sure I shall be doing anything with this knowledge, but you never do know. There may just be something profitable in the idea of someone--not necessarily Marie--blasted randomly from timeline to timeline while still retaining the knowledge of everything she's done in the other realities. And now I'm all excited and am having inspirations. How useful the concept of the multiverse is sometimes.

    Tuesday, April 2, 2013
    Panel 1: Marie comes storming into her apartment, where Rahim and Barbara are standing. Barbara is still dressed as Sherlock Holmes.

    Marie [loudly and angrily]: WHERE'S CASEY?

    Barbara: Uh...

    Panel 2:

    My thesis just caught on fire in front of my entire committee. Where is he? It's got to be his fault somehow!

    Panel 3:

    Rahim: Did you pass?

    Marie: Yes. They said I clearly couldn't be held accountable for my paper's spontaneous combustion.

    Panel 4:


    Barbara: I'll get Mrs. Hudson to make some calming tea.

    Alt-Text: I would have done a lot for a committee that understanding.

    Go to commentary

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