Panel 1: In Marie's apartment, Casey hustles Rahim and Barbara out the door as Marie stands there in shock.
Barbara: I didn't mean--
Casey: Out. Apologise later. Leave this to me.
Panel 2: Marie and Casey are alone. Casey puts an arm around Marie.
Marie: I can't set fires with my mind. It's you who does that.
Casey: Sure. Of course. I'm really supernatural. Let's--
Panel 3:
I mean, if it was Barbara said...if it was...then my
parents...the fire..."faulty wiring" was just what they said because
they couldn't explain...
Panel 4: Marie begins to cry as Evil Marie appears behind Casey.
Casey: Look at me: I'm obviously Satan. I bend the elements to my will with evil. Bwa-ha-haaa.
Evil Marie: Dude, that's clearly not going to work at this point.
Alt-Text: You have to admit it's a pretty good try, though.