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Saturday, April 13, 2013

West of Bathurst 1253
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  • Saturday, April 13, 2013
    Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara hits herself repeatedly in the face with an undergraduate essay as Marie watches. Beside her is the title page of an essay; it reads, "Poetry by Poets Looking at a Poem." In red pen, someone has added a colon after "Poets" and, as notations, "West of Bathurst?", "by Kari Maaren," and a bunch of question marks.

    Panel 2: Barbara and Marie sit at a table and stare at Barbara's huge stack of essays.

    Panel 3: Barbara regards the essays unhappily.

    Panel 4: She cautiously moves a hand towards the stack.

    Panel 5: She picks an essay up and looks at it.

    Panel 6:

    Barbara: [reads]: "Since the beginning of writing in poetry, poets have been writing poems about love and, death."

    Panel 7: Barbara tosses the essay aside as Marie jumps up from her chair.

    That's clearly enough marking for today.

    Marie: I know where there's cake.

    Alt-Text: Sometimes, it's just sort of..."Yeah. So that's just destroyed a potential six hours' worth of marking. I'm going to go watch TV now."

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