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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

West of Bathurst 1258
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  • Hey, everyone: my first collaboration album is up on Bandcamp, where you can listen to the whole thing for free or download the whole thing for not free. Check it out.

    Wednesday, April 24, 2013
    Panel 1: Anthea, who has just fallen in the pond in the Davies College quadrangle, pulls herself out of the water and confronts Marie.

    Anthea: Oh, you are so banned from this place.

    Marie: For walking at you aggressively?

    Panel 2: Rahim, Barbara, and Casey are standing behind Marie.

    Rahim: Marie never touched you; everyone saw that.

    Barbara: And nothing even caught on fire.

    Panel 3: Everyone looks at Barbara.

    Panel 4:

    Not that this has any relevance to the situation at hand.

    Casey: You're just not going to let it go, are you?

    Alt-Text: Barbara has never really discovered the benefit of shutting the heck up.
    Go to commentary
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