West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

West of Bathurst 1260
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    Saturday, April 27, 2013
    Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Barbara is pointing frantically at Casey, who is wearing a cape and cackling. Marie watches, suspicious of everyone. Barbara is saying, "West of Bathurst!", while Marie thinks, "By Kari Maaren."

    Panel 2: Barbara and Marie are sitting on the couch in the Davies College basement nook. Barbara watches Marie, who looks downcast.

    Panel 3:

    Barbara: You know, there's probably a logical explanation for this fire stuff.

    Marie: Yeah, r--

    Panel 4:

    Hear me out. Maybe it really is Casey. Maybe he's making the fire with science.

    Panel 5:

    Barbara: He's been waiting patiently for someone to suggest it's been your fault all along. Now that someone has, he can complete his evil plan to drive you mad with guilt!

    Panel 6:

    Marie: So what you're saying is either I killed my parents with my brain or one of my best friends is a diabolical mastermind out to torture me into insanity.

    Panel 7:

    Barbara: It's not a perfect theory.

    Marie: Conversations with you are always so comforting.

    Alt-Text: Both options sound logical to me.

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014