West of Bathurst, by Kari Maaren
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

West of Bathurst 1274
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    Sorry for the delay, everyone.  Convention weekends don't allow much time for comicking.  With luck, the Monday comic will appear late Monday.

    Saturday, May 25, 2013
    Panel 1: In the title panel of this Sunday-style colour comic, Rahim stands in the Davies College basement corridor, looking cynical. Steve is watching him. They ar beside a door with two signs on it, one reading "West of Bathurst"  and the other "by Kari Maaren."

    Panel 2:

    You look lonely.

    Rahim: I'm solitary, not lonely. There's a difference.

    Panel 3:

    Steve: Where's Marie?

    Rahim: Working through some things.

    Panel 4:

    Steve: Barbara?

    Rahim: Helping Marie work through some things. While dressed as Sherlock Holmes. Apparently.

    Panel 5:

    Steve: Casey?

    Rahim [spreads his arms wide]: Failing to work through some things, then denying such things exist at all.

    Panel 6:

    Steve: And you're not feeling lonely?

    Rahim: Not lonely. Not neglected. Not left out. Not completely abandoned.

    Panel 7:

    Steve: Would you like to catch the Star Trek movie with m--

    Rahim: I'll buy the popcorn.

    Alt-Text: Aw...even Rahim is going to see it before I do.

    Go to commentary

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    Comics copyright Kari Maaren 2006-2014