I'm still a bit behind, but unless something goes drastically wrong, I'll be caught up by Monday. |
Friday, May 31, 2013 |
Panel 1: Marie is in the Davies College basement. Weird Beard approaches her. Weird Beard: Greetings! Marie: Oh, hi, Weird Beard. I was looking for-- Panel 2: Weird Beard: The red-haired one who's hiding from you? Marie: That obvious, is it? Panel 3: Weird Beard: I wouldn't worry about it. You simply have a tendency to drive all your friends away. Panel 4: Marie: And that's not a problem at all. Weird Beard: Heck, I would love to have that power! Alt-Text: If Marie were a superhero, she would get all the worst superpowers, such as the ability to turn off the lights by blowing her nose. Go to commentary |