Hey, look: it's still Thursday
morning, and I'm posting Thursday's comic! *Sets off fireworks*
This one is coming relatively soon after the last one, so please
click on "Previous" if you haven't read Wednesday's comic yet. Don't forget to get your Summer Contest #3 answers in soon; you never know when it will be too late. You especially never know because the posting time for each comic has become a delightful mystery. In the meantime, have a new song to tide you over. It's about the "fake geek girl" issue, so naturally, it's called "Fake Geek Guy." Summer Contest #3: This will be another guess-what's-coming contest. At some point in the course of this coming week, at least one character who has previously appeared in the comic (but is not a regular) will appear again. (I should clarify that stipulation: characters who used to be regulars but aren't any more still count as "regulars" for the purposes of this contest. Let's say that anyone who has ever appeared on the character sheet will not be reappearing this week. The character sheet is, of course, a few years out of date, and it includes one-off characters as well as regulars, but excluding it in its entirety narrows the field a bit.) There may be more than one such character; there may be just one. Guess which character it is. You get only one try, but you may mention up to three characters. The more you get right (remember that there may be only one), the more points you get. You may repeat other entrants' guesses. There will be no creativity point this week, just because it's difficult to be creative when simply naming previous characters (it's possible to be obscure, but creative? *Looks sideways at Erwaro, who is likely about to attempt to prove me wrong*). If any characters you want to mention are nameless, describe them as best you can. Links are acceptable too. Have at it, valiant knights. |
Thursday, July 11, 2013 |
Panel 1: Casey stands in Marie's living room, dressed in his pyjamas and looking bewildered. Casey: Nope. Not losing it. Not now. Panel 2: Casey: Where's that thing? Where'd I...? Violin case? Panel 3: He opens his violin case and takes out the mysterious piece of fabric, which has apparently grown. Casey: ...It's getting bigger. Panel 4: Evil Marie appears. Evil Marie: I've split myself in two to point out that this is not a good day for you to go off the deep end. Casey: What's a deep end? Alt-Text: Evil Marie has a superpower! Of course, she doesn't really exist, so she sort of inherently IS a superpower. But now the superpower has a superpower. I shall stop before I really confuse myself. Go to commentary |