Monday, July 15, 2013 |
Panel 1: Marie and Evil Marie are in a cave; Marie is holding a candle. They have just been talking to the Fates (probably). Marie: But-- Evil Marie: Don't bother; they're gone. Panel 2: Marie: Hallucination...right. Evil Marie: I think I see-- Panel 3: Master Ramsay from Davies College goes whooshing by. His words all run together, but let's separate them here for readability. Master Ramsay: Hello there Marie isn't this a nice cave I see there are two of you well got to run I hope you're enjoying this highly symbolic experience.. Panel 4: Evil Marie [finishing her thought]: --a light over there. Marie: Is it a highly symbolic light? Oh, do let's go find it! Alt-Text: RUN LIKE THE WIND, IMAGINARY MASTER RAMSAY! Go to commentary |